FullPage ® Rice Cropping Solution is an integration of SmartRice ® genetics, SQUAD™ new generation seed treatment and a herbicide tolerance trait. FullPage ® technology offers broad-spectrum effective weed control (grasses, sedges and broad leaves), SQUAD™ treatment provides protection against initial biotic stresses & improve mechanized sowing efficiency with better flowability of seed. SmartRice ® genetics is suitable for higher plant population in DSR. Effective weed management, optimum plant population and crop safety leads to higher productivity.
Profitability – Higher productivity and cost reduction
Convenience – Reduce labor dependency
Sustainability – GHG reduction, Less water and fuel consumption
Nursery management cost required appx. *`500 per acre
High fuel cost and wear and tear of machine
High labour cost appx. *`4000 – 5000 per acre
No nursery management cost required
Less fuel cost
Approximate labor cost saving *`1000-1200 per acre
Intangibles – Convenience and peace of mind
Convenience – No nursery and field preparation
Peace of Mind – No dependency on labor availability
Time saving – Timely completion of operation, no yield penalty due to delay in transplanting
Flexibility – Flexibility in herbicide application considering weather and other challenges
Avoid muddy operations
Source: RiceTec/Savannah internal trails and Market Research Data
Approximately 30% water saving
in FullPage DSR
Approximately ₹1000-1500 per acre
weed management saving
Approximately ₹4000-5000 per acre
transplanting cost saving
Approximately 1MT to 1.5 MT per acre
less GHG emission
*Statements are not a guarantee of performance or constitute warranty of fitness for a particular use.